Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A bit late, I know...

"You are either with us or with the terrorists." -W

Terrorism: The practices the ruling class uses to subdue the people.
Terrorist: The name the oppressors call the oppressed when the latter react.

Actually, the aforementioned quote is the only intelligent thing this imbecile said in his 8-year reign.
He's right! (in a way...)

You can either be with those who spread fear to the world or fight for a life without it...


Ελένη Λιντζαροπούλου said...



Screaming Rambler said...

... ligoteros eglovismos...

Nobody says it like you do, B.M.!

Thank U!

Ελένη Λιντζαροπούλου said...


Hooooo... that's..."something" kid...

CU around...

Screaming Rambler said...

Yes, it is...
"M' eri3es"... I know I'll regret the optimism, alla xalali sou!... :-P

Lots of kisses

Ελένη Λιντζαροπούλου said...


Screaming Rambler said...

Ur welcome!


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