However you live your life, whatever you do for a living...
Whichever are the reasons and the goals you struggle for...
Be they Money, Power, True Love,
seeking Happiness or flashes of Joy and Excitement...
...or just trying to make ends meet, fighting for mere Survival...
There is only a single moment that truly counts...
The moment We connect to Each Other.
just right now
"we" live one of these rather rare moments..
we've Just met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.1 I didn't know Steven Halpern! So atmospheric!
P.S.2 I have a couple of blogs...
listen to this:
i didnt know neither of them
i met them too!!!!
anather rare moment....
but if you think about it..
life is full of theese moments..
but we are Not there..
we are absent...........
P.S nice meeting you........
come again..........
It's nice... soothing...
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